My Java Journal

Coddiwomple. My Life In A Word.

Open Mic at Anabia (Courtesy Mark English Photography)

My Java Journal has been updated. Head on over and have a look.

It was a March goal to have it updated, and part of recognizing the one year anniversary of my blog.

It started as a coffee blog as I worked towards opening my own coffeehouse. Along the way my journey has become more coddiwomple than any execution of a coffeehouse business plan.

So, what is coddiwomple?

Coddiwomple (kodˈə wom pəl) (v.):

To travel purposefully toward an as-yet-unknown destination. [ENGLISH SLANG]

Thank you Grace, for sharing that Instagram post on coddiwomple. I had no idea there was a word to describe this journey I am on. In fact, I think I have been coddiwompling my whole life. It is comforting to know that this exists. It’s like a single word for that saying, ‘Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost;’  which I note is attributed to J.R.R. Tolkein, and from The Lord of the Rings.

I still dream of opening a coffeehouse. I am, however, in no rush as I am having way too much fun. Hosting twice monthly open mic nights, monthly trivia nights, and starting in May … Music Bingo! I am pulling espresso shots and working with the great team at Anabia Cupcake Cafe, and I will soon be starting a full-time(ish) job at another local coffeehouse. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and develop while immersed fully in the coffee culture.

With Spring finally arrived I can follow up on that VW bus I was looking at. I will likely start roasting beans again, and I think I will grow my t-shirt business as well. So much going on.


I am with my family everyday. No more commuting. My days include natural light, and music. I have been fully exploring creativity and I am finding Happiness in every day. The Leap was very definitely the right decision.

A great big thank you to all who have stayed in touch, and follow my blog. Come on out for an open mic, trivia or music bingo. Or just stop by for a coffee at Anabia. Once I am settled in my new job I will share more on that as well.

Have an amazing Sunday. Love.