My Java Journal

Languishing Through The 2021 Gentleman’s Ride

Displaying my fourth consecutive DGR patch for raising over $250USD


On 23 May 2021, I ride. This year is the 10-year anniversary of The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride. Also, the second year under COVID restrictions necessitating that I ride alone.

Last year I raised over $12,000 for prostate cancer research and programs addressing men’s mental health, and increasing suicide rates. For 2021, we are nearing my amended goal of $2500USD. So much gratitude and love for the support from family, friends, and community.


Several recent articles have been published about the impact of COVID on mental health. Specifically, languishing – which is a state between depression and flourishing; ‘the neglected middle child of mental health’, as described by Adam Grant. It is a state similar to malaise or apathy, but not exactly. It is something I recognize that I have been experiencing lately, and it sucks.

My efforts this year for DGR reflect this state of languish. It has been a hard year to get motivated. I had designs to double last year’s goal. Planned music and events, and to actively solicit support from corporate and small businesses in my community. Instead, I am dragging my ass; happy when I can just get through my morning routine and day’s work. Then it all just falls to shit in the afternoon and evenings. I am aware of it though, that is a good thing. Recent articles giving a name to this state, as is suggested in Grant’s article, does help.

It is therefore, apropos that The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride is working towards solutions for mental health challenges. These are now, and likely more so as a result of COVID, increasingly important.

Thank You

A tough year, but I am glad I registered and made the effort. With help from Morning Owl Manotick again this year, and of course, my community, friends and family, we’ve done well. Thank you.

I will ride this year, rain or shine. I will dress dapper and I will represent. Next year, well, I am hoping to find myself again flourishing and setting my sites on that $25,000 goal.

I will end by thanking all that have supported my fourth consecutive year fundraising for DGR. Donations are still being accepted via The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride site, or my personalized page that they provide where you can support my efforts directly. That is located here – Brock’s DGR 2021 Donation page.

Wishing all good health – physical and mental. Thank you.

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