Operating this website/blog has been a pleasure. It doesn’t, however, come without some frustration. Here’s an update on what you’ve missed.
If you’ve been a subscriber to my blog then you will know my consistency over the past couple years has been good. This past few weeks though? Not so much.
I had some upgrades and minor aesthetic work done, as well as some of my plug-ins modified. The result? Not many of my recent posts have gone out to my readership. I believe it has now been fixed. It is not completely fixed, but this post hopefully gets pushed out as intended. If you’re a subscriber and you’re reading this from your email then we’re getting there. If you’re not and you’ve just stumbled onto my site, then welcome.
So here is what you’ve missed …
Knowledge Is Power Foundation
I’ll use this (test) post to share with you three milestones (and previous posts) that you’ve maybe missed. Be sure to click on the bold and blue text as you come across it. It will bring you to the relevant shares.
The first is an interview I did with a foundation for social change. I was asked to share my story with the Knowledge is Power Foundation (KiP). KiP, in their words,
‘strives to promote a modern social change agenda through FREE knowledge-sharing, education, and advocacy’.
I was asked to share my story as it relates how I pursue a life of passion and give back to my community. It’s a little long, but it was a humbling and welcome experience and I hope it offers something of value to the foundation’s aims. In it, I am identified as a Community Leader – not a label I would bestow upon myself, but one I’ll accept with humility.
The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride
This year was my third consecutive year committing myself wholly to raising funds and awareness for prostate cancer research and men’s mental health. I do this through The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride, which is partnered with the Movember Foundation. I set an aggressive goal this year of $10,000. As I write this I have raised over $12,000 for this year’s effort. An amazing feeling and, I think, achievement – especially given the pandemic. The fundraising for 2020 formally concludes at midnight tonight (Sunday, October 11, 2020), and I’ll simply offer gratitude for the overwhelming support I received this year. If you wish to see my profile or add a last minute donation towards an important fundraising initiative, you’ll find my personal donation page here – DGR2020.
Class Of 91 Album Release
Last, but certainly not least, is my band’s debut album release. Read about that interesting journey with this link – Eyes on Fire – or head to the album’s release page to get your own copy (be it your preferred streaming service or download).
A tough year for everyone, but a productive few months for me. Again, gratitude for the support, interest, and love.
With luck I’ll have this blog back on track and out to you weekly again. If your reading this from your email on Sunday, then the first obstacle has been overcome.
Stay safe, stay kind. To my Canadian friends and family, have a Happy Thanksgiving – I know things are different this year, and the latest lock-down is a drag. I know, but we’re still in Canada; we have food, we have running water, a roof over head – there is still lots to be thankful for.
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